Friday, April 7, 2017

Patience With Yourself

We have to adjust our lives to fit with our circumstances.

I am typically the type of person who holds myself to high standard, meaning if I want to accomplish a task I never allow myself to say I can't do it because I know with time and determination I can learn.
A few days ago I started a rather large project, creating a website which will be the new home for my blog, hold content for download as I create it, list links to resources, and hopefully build a community for grieving parents to find a safe place to open up about their feelings. I spent the better part of two days researching and comparing all of the different hosting packages. That is way too long to research that! Anyhow, by early afternoon I had the company and a new domain name.

After four hours of working on it I did not even have a font for the title...ugh.. I got so frustrated. I'm used to being able to be sure of such simple decisions with focus, and just fly through tasks such as this. I had to walk outside and take some deep breaths.

Before I got angry with myself I stopped and thought about that I shouldn't compare myself to how I was before. My brain is a little more foggy and I made a promise to myself to not push so hard. I realized I had not stopped to eat, drink, or move from the spot I was in. I thought about why I was putting so much pressure on myself. The answer was I want to create something beautiful, comfortable, and informative to help other people. I know now to do this, I need to help myself as well. I stepped back inside and felt proud of myself for how it looked so far. I decided to stop  for the rest of the day and just relax.

Be patient with the new you. Don't expect to perform the way you did before, instead break things into smaller pieces. It may take a little more time but so what! Recognize the positive in things that you accomplish, even if it's getting out of bed. I am proud that I was productive on my day off and that I just didn't lay in bed all day and that my focus is changing more to doing something that could possibly help someone.

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